This 65-page printable Autism Planner is meant to offer parents of autistic children a simple way to keep track of their health, needs, activities, and everything in between. It’s super easy to use and helps you store and organize all the information for your autistic child in one place!

While it can be more demanding to take care of an autistic or special needs child, staying organized will certainly make things easier. Even more, having all important information on hand can get you a better overview of your young one’s progress and help you decide any additional steps that need to be taken.
It is well known that children on the autism spectrum greatly benefit from having a solid routine. You will constantly learn new and useful ways to offer your child better care although there is no need to memorize everything.
Having a comprehensive printable planner to keep all those important bits of info on paper will make it much easier to establish a routine and track your child’s health and development while maintaining your mental sanity!

🚸 Why This Planner Works
Fully Comprehensive: The Autism Planner is a comprehensive 65-page set of printable organization sheets that include every aspect of your child’s life from diet and daily routine to therapy, exercise, medical info, and more!
Use What You Need: There’s no need to use all the sheets, just use the ones relevant to you and your family member. More importantly, you can keep them together in a binder which makes it easy to access or update the information as needed.
Tracking Changes: I find it extremely important to track the progress of kids on the spectrum since it will allow you to quickly notice changes and adjust your tactics.
Organized Doctor Visits: The planner bundles various progress-tracking printables as well as sheets for storing important details such as doctors, hospital visits, and many others.
Family Medical Binder: Pair your own medical binder with your child’s so everyone is tracking their health.
📝 What’s Included
This set of printables was designed to be used as a binder, so among the 65 pages you will find organizational sheets, plus a cover and spines so you can label your binder and identify it among others you might have.
📔 Therapy Log
You can use the Therapy Log sheet to store therapist’s info as well as track the key points and new techniques discussed or practiced during therapy sessions.
It works for any kind of therapy visit (speech, physical, etc) and it will make it so much easier to remember and apply all the things you learn during sessions!
Allergies List
If your child is dealing with allergies, then you know how tricky they can be. More often than not, it’s a hassle to find out the triggers and the medication that works best.
The Allergies List sheet will help you keep track of the time of occurrence, possible triggers, and optimal treatment.
💊 Prescriptions Tracker
This is a sheet that can be useful for both you and your child’s doctor. Use the weekly Prescriptions Tracker to write down all prescribed medication and make sure your child will be taking the treatment at the recommended times.
🥒 Food Diary
Nutrition is a key aspect for any child, although it can have an even bigger impact on autistic kids since they tend to avoid the food they don’t like, making it a bit more difficult to cook for the whole family.
Regardless if you need to cook an extra dish or not, the daily Food Diary will let you easily record your child’s meals and snacks, including macros and total calories.
I also added a handy Notes section where you can write down anything that might be relevant to remember regarding your child’s diet.
🩺 Symptom Tracker
As simple as this sheet may be, it’s just as practical! And it can be used for practically any illness, be it chronic or acute. You just need to enter the date & time, symptom, and possible triggers.
Optionally, you can use the intensity scale for a more accurate record of your child’s experience.
👩⚕️ Medical Doctor List
Even kids who are not on the spectrum have multiple physicians and this list will make it easy to keep all their information on hand.
There’s also a space to write down your child’s medical conditions and allergies, and a section where you can enter insurance information. This way you can have it all on one page!
🧑⚕️ Specialist Doctor List
This list sheet is similar to the one above except it’s dedicated to specialist doctors. You will probably visit them less often which is why it’s so important to have their info in a place that makes sense.
📅 Appointment Tracker
There is no need to fill your head with appointment dates & times. In fact, I’m sure you’d rather use that mental space to remember other stuff. It can happen that an appointment gets canceled or rescheduled so there are boxes for these scenarios as well.
Use this to keep track of all of your appointments. It is a life saver!
❓ Questions For The Doctor
Whenever I enter the doctor’s office, I am well prepared with any questions I might have. Sadly, after listening to his medical talk for a few minutes I tend to forget at least half of them. 😀
This Questions For The Doctor sheet is something you can use for any member of the family, really! Even better, write down the answer on the same page. Reading it again at home when you’re in a calmer and more relaxed environment will help you clear any possible misunderstandings and even compare it to a second opinion.
🏥 Surgeries & Procedures Log
I know this is a sheet I would never want to print as a mom, but it can be a live-saver when the situation occurs. Remembering details about past surgeries and procedures is extremely important, especially when you are visiting new doctors interested in learning their patient’s medical history.

🧠 Things To Remember
If you find your current load of tasks a bit hard to carry I recommend you print multiple sheets of this one. Whenever there’s something important you shouldn’t forget, jot it down here. It’s super versatile so you can use it for anything from planning events to emergency trips to the hospital.
💉 Vaccination Log
I kept this sheet plain so you could use it for more than just writing down vaccinations but also other relevant info such as the type of vaccine used and possible side effects, among others.
If you aren’t sure of WHEN each vaccination is due, print out the Children’s Vaccination Schedule to keep in your binder as well for quick reference.
💳 Insurance Information
You never know when you’ll need to change insurance in which case the Insurance Information sheet can come in handy. We have all the main categories covered plus an ‘other’ section where you can add an extra one.
😅 Exercise Tracker
Physical activity is good for all kids, including autistic ones. They often have trouble performing group physical activities, in which case it’s on you to create a workout schedule for your young one. You’ll have no trouble keeping track of all that with the weekly Exercise Tracker.
Don’t think you need to adopt a classic workout either. It can be anything from dancing and twister to hopscotch, and other fun activities!
🛏️ Sleep Tracker
Sleep has such a big impact on our energy levels, mood, and overall health. It’s one of those factors we need to pay attention to, both for our children and for ourselves. To keep things easy, this Sleep Tracker allows you to track your daily hours of sleep for a whole month.
Weight Tracker
If your child is experiencing weight gain or developing slower than average, the Monthly Weight Tracker can help you keep an eye on changes and adjust your current strategy.
📆 Daily Care Tracker
Can there be a single sheet with a clear overview of your child’s day along with all the tasks you need to accomplish? Yes, there can!
Use the Daily Care Tracker to record your child’s mood, activities, meals, medication, and everything else that matters.
👨⚕️ Caregiver Checklist
If you have a caregiver helping you, this checklist will make it easier to complete daily tasks. It works great when used with the Daily Care Tracker since you will probably still prefer to do some things yourself.
❗ Incidents Log
Keeping track of incidents, no matter when or where they happen can be a real eye-opener. Perhaps the hard part is remaining observant at all times.
You can also ask your other family members, teachers, and other people that spend time with your child to report incidents you may have missed.
👓 Eye Care Tracker
Having a sheet with your child’s vision progress and visit history will definitely be appreciated by the eye doctor and it will allow for informed decisions when it comes to future treatment options.
🦷 Dentist Visits
Oral health should never be neglected and this sheet is good for the whole family! Keeping track of dentist visits and their reason on this functional sheet will give you an overview of your child’s dental health.
Establishing a regular brushing and flossing routine is perhaps the most important thing when it comes to oral care, and with consistency, it will turn into a lifelong habit.

Equipment & Supplies
Taking care of an autistic child requires a custom set of items from basic personal care items to specialized medical equipment, therapy activity sets, and even favorite snacks.
It’s nice to have all of them written down on one sheet especially when you need to pack quickly for an unexpected trip.
🗓️ Weekly To Do List
If you set up a schedule, even for trivial things such as errands and paying bills, these tasks will be much easier to perform, and the Weekly To Do List can be of great help.
You can enter up to nine tasks for each day of the week and check them off one by one. The list is also a great way to get an overview of the week ahead and make necessary preparations.
Vitamin / Supplement Tracker
I have to admit, there are some pretty amazing supplements out there and they can help with various ailments in a natural and safe way.
However, I find it can be more difficult to remember taking them consistently, especially in the evening when I’m tired. It can be just as difficult when administering them to your child so don’t hesitate to use this Vitamin/Supplement Tracker to make sure you never miss a dose.
🗒️ Notes Sheet
Finally, a blank sheet where you can fill in with whatever you want! I know, it’s basic, but it will allow you to write down thoughts, ideas, tasks, phone numbers, appointments, and everything else that’s worth remembering.
📅 Monthly Goals
There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious, and you can set goals with your child too. Setting up goals is a great way to keep you and your child accountable as well as track progress over time.
Just remember to set realistic goals and be patient. Autistic children may not react well to sudden changes or pressure.
📅 Yearly Goals
Getting a yearly overview of the goals you set for your child makes it really easy to see how far you’ve come. In fact, looking at long-term progress is the best way to grasp everything you achieved so far. Keep going, it will always be worth it!
Habit Tracker
Are you trying to help your child develop good habits? Tracking them is an excellent solution to notice if you are progressing and if not, change your strategy. Even more, assuming your child is old enough you can show him the Habit Tracker so he can monitor his own development.
🚑 Urgent Care Visits
This is certainly not a place any mom would want to be with her child but those with special needs may end up there more often than the others. For those struggling to communicate, you might not notice what’s wrong and urgent care may be able to help.
The Urgent Care Visits printable will allow you to log all the aspects of each visit and perhaps come up with better ways to communicate with your child.
Developmental Tracker
Monitoring your child’s development whether it’s his speech, behavior, motor skills, socializing, learning or something else can help you determine if he’s having trouble in one or more particular areas.
This one sheet printable allows you to write down your child’s progress and this information might also be valuable for his pediatrician or any specialist doctor he is visiting.
📈 Growth Tracker
Some children may experience slower growth, in which case this Growth Tracker will definitely help in recording their height and weight over time.
🦴 X-Ray List
The X-Ray List is an easy way to have all the information regarding any X-rays your child has taken so far.
CT Scan List
CT scans offer a more accurate image of the brain and other parts of the body, which is why kids on the spectrum might be exposed to this type of scan from an earlier age. You can use this list to have all his past CT scans and the results on a single page.

🥼 Lab Work Results
It’s probably easier to print your child’s lab work results and keep them like that but with this handy printable you can have that information for three different tests on a single page so it will reduce the amount of paper you have to keep.
🔈 Ultrasound Results
This list sheet works just like the previous ones and you can use it to keep track of your child’s ultrasound results in a convenient manner.
EEG Results
For kids on the spectrum, performing EEGs can help doctors get a better understanding of their brain activity or even detect or rule out autism in infants. You may not use this test too often but it can still be useful to have a list where you can jot down the test results.
EKG Results
If there’s any suspicion your child may be having heart problems or you already received a diagnostic and you need to monitor his heart, performing EKG tests is a must. The EKG Results list lets you record all the details for each EKG test, including the location and result.
😭 Meltdown Tracker
Autistic children can experience meltdowns, intense reactions to stressful circumstances over which they have no control. Of course, this is also stressful for parents which is why logging meltdowns and surrounding events can help you figure out triggers and strategies to reduce their frequency.
📨 Other Contacts
Use this sheet to write down any non-medical contacts who you rely on for your child’s care. It can be anyone from caregivers and teachers, to friends and neighbors.
💵 Medical Spending Record
Medical expenses can become overwhelming for children with special needs and the best way to keep your finances in check is to keep track of them thoroughly.
Therapy Goals
We now have a wide variety of therapeutic activities that can help with many ailments and keeping a Therapy Goals sheet is a simple method of tracking your child’s development. This page will probably be very useful when visiting his therapist as well.
Milestone Tracker
Have you set up any milestones for your child? You can track them with ease on this simple sheet and each milestone also has a notes section where you can write any relevant details and thoughts.
🥦 Foods To Avoid
For kids with food allergies, sensitivities, or just picky eaters it’s nice to have a list of the foods you need to steer clear of. It will definitely make meal planning and cooking way easier!
Daily Focus
Managing work, child care, house chores, and everything in between can be a hassle. I can definitely say the Daily Focus sheet makes life easier to tackle. There are sections for important priorities, tasks, appointments, and phone calls you need to make.
Emotional Check
This Emotional Check sheet is perfect for getting an overview of your child’s emotions during the day but also for yourself. It is well known that kids on the spectrum can have trouble understanding their own emotions as well as of others so having a daily sheet to log them can help you better understand your little one.
Productivity Check
Just like adults, children can benefit from being assigned at least some simple tasks such as watering plants or retrieving the mail. One way to know your child may be having an off day is to track their productivity and with this sheet, it will be super easy!
Coping Strategies
Autistic children can often experience feelings of anxiety and overall distress in which case teaching them some coping strategies will give them tools to fight off these negative emotions and return to a state of calm.
The Coping Strategies page lets you schedule daily coping strategies and I do recommend you add at least a physical activity in there. It’s known to reduce anxiety symptoms in general, not just for kids on the spectrum.
Bowel Movement Tracker
Some autistic kids can have sensitive tummies and irregular bowel movements in which case tracking them will let you notice fast when there are any changes in the usual pattern.
I may sound like a broken record but I cannot stress enough the importance of exercise when it comes to digestion, including bowel movements. All kids are energetic beings and making sure they let out some of that energy every day will have a positive impact on the way they process food and overall health.
Therapeutic Activities
Finding activities they enjoy is vital for autistic children and you can use this sheet to track them for all the main categories. They can also be combined with therapeutic strategies as a way to boost their mood and aid their development in the long run.
🧑🏫 Teacher Contacts
Staying in touch with your child’s teachers is something all parents should do and with this one-page printable you can have all your teacher contacts on the same sheet.
Class Schedule
Just a simple printable for your little one’s class schedule with a bit of space where you can write your thoughts and ideas, or additional information regarding the timetable.
Assignment Schedule
Depending on his current development, your child might need your help with assignments, and that includes tracking them. Feel free to use this sheet and make sure he never misses one!

Assignment Planner
The Assignment Planner goes well with the previous one and if you are assisting your child with his assignments you will surely find it useful. Adding an accurate description for the assignment, a list of resources and ideas, and listing the key milestones will help your young student have an easier time completing it.
Weekly Plan
I always rely on a Weekly Plan sheet to organize my next week so I’m sure as a special needs parent you will quickly come to enjoy using it for both you and your child.
Daily Plan
The Weekly Plan sheet is great for an overview of next week’s key tasks and events but a more detailed look like the Daily Plan makes it easier to track everything school-related for the day, including the schedule, assignments, and exams.
Grade Tracker
I am not a big fan of grades and this testing method may be more inefficient for kids on the spectrum although a downward trend or a sudden change is still something that should not be ignored. The Grade Tracker sheet lets you easily monitor your child’s grades for each class and be the first to notice any major shift.
Study Schedule
While having the daily study schedule will be helpful for you as a parent it will surely be appreciated by your own child. A detailed overview of his study schedule is going to help him focus more on the actual learning and reduce the overall effort.
Autistic kids can have varying energy levels and it’s good to reduce their load where possible.
Daily Reflection Journal
Does your child tend to focus too much on negative thoughts and feelings? You’ll love this Daily Reflection Journal sheet geared towards positive emotions. Your little one will be able to figure out better ways to behave in the future and also find possible triggers.
Weekly Reflection Journal
If the Daily Reflection Journal seems to have a positive impact on your child you can try the weekly one as well. Just don’t throw it all in at once. Changes implemented slowly are more durable!
Personal Reflection Journal
Assuming your child is old enough and already enjoys using the Daily and Weekly Reflection Journals the Personal one might help him develop his emotional skills even further.
Monthly Reflection Journal
The last in the series, the Monthly sheet will allow your child to set bigger goals and see how far he’s progressed.
The printable Autism Binder also bundles a set of spines designed for the most popular sizes. If you end up keeping multiple binders throughout the years, these spine labels will make it easier to identify them when needed.
🖨️ Grab Your Autism Binder Here
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Ginny Collins is a passionate foodie and recipe creator of Savor and Savvy and Kitchenlaughter. Indoors she focuses on easy, quick recipes for busy families and kitchen basics. Outdoors, she focuses on backyard grilling and smoking to bring family and friends together. She is a lifelong learner who is always taking cooking classes on her travels overseas and stateside. Her work has been featured on MSN, Parade, Fox News, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, Elle, and many local news outlets. She lives in Florida where you will find her outside on the water in her kayak, riding her bike on trails, and planning her next overseas adventure.

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