This Medical Binder is an end-all, be-all for your tracking needs. This printable binder keeps track of everything you may want for monitoring your health and keeping key information in one place. Print one or print them all!

As an example, you may only need to print the Migraine Tracker right now and that is great! It is here for you! Others may want to print everything and keep a full tracker/planner. It is flexible based on your needs.
📋 How to Use
I recommend grabbing the entire PDF sample pages and printing the pages. Three hole punch them and put them into a binder.
I included a cover sheet and inserts for different width spines. If there are certain sheets that don’t apply, then go ahead and exclude them.

I use this for my mom. She keeps it by her chair and takes it with her to the doctor’s office. It really helped her not have to remember all of the details on insurance, other appointments, and history. It was so much easier to have it right there for her to take to the doctor.
No matter how you choose to use it, it is an excellent guide to keeping track of certain medical conditions that are important when we visit the doctor. You will have a better visit and the medical team can better serve you if you give them as much background information as possible. Keep it all together in a three ring binder to make it easy on you and them.
❤️ Blood Pressure Tracker
This is a great tracker for those people that might have a family history with high blood pressure and want to track their current readings.
Think about going to the doctor with this handy sheet and handing it to his team with all of your records in one place. It will be easy to see patterns. This is much better than saying in general “it’s up” or “I take it everyday and it’s the same.” Nope, this shows exact numbers for them to see how you are doing!
💉 Blood Sugar Tracker
What a fabulous tracker if you are pre-diabetic or a diabetic. My mom uses this one to track her blood sugar so she doesn’t forget which time of the day her sugars were up or down. This is also a handy tracker to add changes in your diet to see if there is a correlation between the blood sugar and what she ate.
📋 Medical Appointments
This is a fantastic tracker for keeping track of appointments. Between my husband, me, and my son during the back-to-school season, I was quickly losing track of where I needed to be. I also use this as a reference to keep track of my history of appointments. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and it is just one more thing you don’t have to worry about remembering.
🤕 Migraine Tracker
We have family members with migraines and they can be so terrible. This tracker helps keep up on how long/often they are happening so when you speak to the doctor, you can give them as much information as possible.

My friend discovered that avocados were triggering her migraines by keeping track of when they occurred. She was so relieved that she knew what was causing it (bummer that she can’t have guacamole anymore though!)
⚕️Medication Chart
These charts are so handy to keep track of your medications. We have all been there at the doctor’s office and need to ramble off what medications we are taking. This is a huge one for me as when I was a caretaker for my mom after a major surgery. I used it to help me track what she was still taking and when she stopped taking other medications.
🏥 Medical Information
This is a great catch-all for all that medical information. It’s best to have it all packed into one spot for easy reference.
😷 Symptoms Tracker
Track current symptoms of a potential problem or symptoms following an ailment to monitor its healing.
Again, using my mom, she uses a symptoms tracker now as she is in her upper 70’s for a daily log of ailments. When did pains and aches actually start? Something might start as a small annoyance, but might be the beginnings of something more serious. It’s hard to remember exactly when something started and it is best to write it down and track it out.
If you or your parent are a senior citizen, the hyper-focused Senior Medical Binder is the saving grace for you! This one is dedicated to them and their ailments.
⏱️ Medical Contacts
This is huge for family members to reference if they need to know who you are seeing at the doctor’s office. I am not able to go with my mom to the doctor every time, so having this worksheet with all of her specialists listed makes it easy to figure out who needs to be called. All of that information is right here for you to log in.
Fortunately, this information doesn’t change too often, so it is easy to maintain.
🌡️ Medical History
This is probably my favorite printable in the binder. It is such an important tracker that we all should be using. Sit down and talk to your family members and create your tracker of what issues you have had and the family history. Is there an eye issue? What is it? Did it get fixed and how was it resolved? Maybe you didn’t know your father had xyz issue as a child. This is where you would put this for not only yourself but for your children as well.

The best thing is that this information is used at virtually every appointment when the nurse reviews your family history and you can refer to the binder.
📎 Insurance Information
Keep track of all of your insurance information! All of this seems to be getting tweaked and changed from year to year so keeping up on it in a binder will help you relieve some stress knowing what is covered, what the copays are and even expiration dates of plans.
I even copied my insurance card and stapled it to this printable. Again, one-stop-shopping for everything that a trip to the doctor could possibly require.
🚴♀️ Exercise Tracker
We could all use this one! Let’s keep track of our bodies moving. This is great on so many levels to see if your pre-diabetic symptoms can be resolved. Is your heart getting healthier by your daily exercise?

When you write it down, you will also notice how much (or how little) you are actually moving. What we think and what is reality can be very different.
🥤Water Tracker
Water tracking is so important. We all think we drink more water than we do, but most of us need more. Use this tracker to keep track of exactly how much H2O you are actually drinking!! This is a great stand alone printable.
🛌 Sleep Tracker
We use this regularly in our home as my husband is not a great sleeper and we have been able to find out he doesn’t sleep great on Friday nights…we aren’t sure why yet, but because of the tracker we have at least found a pattern. These trackers may seem silly (and for the most part, most of us don’t need ALL of them right now!) but they really do work if you just start using them.

😥 Depression Tracker
Given where our society is today with the amount of people experiencing depression, this is another printable to start tracking your mood. Tie this in with your exercise tracker and monitor your mental health too.
Are you overwhelmed by trying to track all of the medical info for your Special Needs kiddo? The targeted Special Needs Binder is just for you!
⚖️ Weight Loss Tracker
I love this one! I have been using this one this fall and although I am only down 2lbs, I am happy to see that I am tracking it and not ignoring my weight like I have in the past. Weighing in and holding yourself accountable helps you maintain and reach your goals. Another great stand alone or partner it with the Water Tracker.
📒 Cover Sheet and Spines
All of this comes together with a gorgeous cover sheet for your binder cover and the pretty spines to go with it! Now let’s start tracking!
READERS LOVE THIS! “Thank you SO much for these templates!!! My friend was just diagnosed with breast cancer and has to have a double mastectomy. I am making her a binder to keep her journey organized. Your medical binder worksheets are absolutely fantastic and a perfect fit for what I need to add to her organizer. Thank you again!!” From Beth
“The medical binder is fantastic. I’m going to copy parts of it to give to my father so he can record his BP, his meds and his chest pain episodes. It will provide invaluable info for me and his Dr.” From Siara
🖨️ Grab it Here
Please enter your email and I’ll send you a three page sample of the medical binder. Please use it and let me know how you like it.
Check out rest of the Medical Binders below!
Check out the full 26 page medical binder!
This is for personal use only.
I would love to hear how you used this binder and if there are other inserts that would be useful to add. I really want this to be as helpful as possible and I can’t believe how much easier it was for my mom to have all of this information in one place. It was a huge stressor that was removed.
Please leave a note in the comments and I will try to get it added.
Ginny Collins is a passionate foodie and recipe creator of Savor and Savvy and Kitchenlaughter. Indoors she focuses on easy, quick recipes for busy families and kitchen basics. Outdoors, she focuses on backyard grilling and smoking to bring family and friends together. She is a lifelong learner who is always taking cooking classes on her travels overseas and stateside. Her work has been featured on MSN, Parade, Fox News, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, Elle, and many local news outlets. She lives in Florida where you will find her outside on the water in her kayak, riding her bike on trails, and planning her next overseas adventure.

I would like the free medical binder please it would help with me being a caregiver
Hi there~ This is no longer a full freebie. When you sign up for the email, we still give you a couple of freebie sheets to show you the quality of the binder but then you purchase it at our Look for email sign up on the post, sign up for the email and there is a 40% discount that will pop up for you to bring the binder down to $5. There are still lingering Pinterest pins out there that still say FREE from a few years ago but it’s not been free for quite some time.
Long winded answer to help you! Whew!! I hope that helps so much! Another thing is if you are a caregiver to special needs, we have a binder for that or if you are caring for an aging parent, there is a binder just for that too. The senior medical binder is near and dear to me as I built that one based on my 80 year old mom!
Let me know if you have questions! You can always reply here or email me at as we do answer 100% of our emails.
Cheers!! Ginny
Please update your Pinterest Link! I understand that it could have been a limited time but that is not what your Pinterest link said so it was really a bait and switch! 🙁
Hi there Jessyka! Thanks for popping in and I appreciate your comment. Unfortunately, we can’t update the pin that says “FREE” on it. We updated the post and we have put out pins that don’t say FREE on it anymore but what is out there is out there. What we have also done is decided well ahead of time what is going to be totally free vs what is going to be in the shop. When we first put out our medical binder, the thought of a shop was no where in our mindset. By no means is it bait and switch and it can certainly feel that way. We continue to give freebie pages for all of our paid products so everyone can see / touch / feel what our printables are like.
Thanks again! Cheers! Ginny
I sent you an email and no response yet. Regarding your medical binder.
I believe I subscribed to your site a while back. I was sent the Medical binder sheets.
I can’t find where I saved them. I put my email in again, just incase your site isn’t the one I actually already subscribed to.
I was not send anything so far and I did confirm my email. I really could use this. I have more medical issues than I have money for.
No worries, these things go into the spam folders more often than I would like! 🙂 Looks like we got you all taken care of, Laura! Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for taking the time to drop us a line! Cheers! Ginny
Awwwww i don’t have enough money to have the complete version 🙁
Thank you so much for this beautiful binder! Im doing my own home health care and I needed some ideas and your site is the only one that really caught my attention! Amazing!
Thank you so much! Enjoy!
I can’t get the recaptcha to work, so I can’t check out any offers.
Patricia, send us an email at so I can email you a copy!
Hi Ginny, I gave my friend her binder today and it brought her to tears! Thank you! I did add a section for gifts so that she could write thank you notes (it’s not really medical). I made 3 columns with name, gift, and contact info, at the top of each column. As she goes through her journey, I will ask her for feedback and let you know what might be added. She gets her full treatment plan at the end of the week after more testing. Thanks you again for putting these pages together 🙂 Beth
Thank you SO much for these templates!!! My friend was just diagnosed with breast cancer and has to have a double mastectomy. I am making her a binder to keep her journey organized. Your medical binder worksheets are absolutely fantastic and a perfect fit for what I need to add to her organizer. Thank you again!!
Oh Beth, I’m so sorry to hear about your friend but so happy that you can use the binder to get her organized! If you come across sheets we missed, please drop us a line so we can add them in. Active users, like yourself, are going to be great to help keep us updated! Best wishes to you and your your friend.
The medical binder is fantastic. I’m going to copy parts of it to give to my father so he can record his BP, his meds and his chest pain episodes. It will provide invaluable info for me and his Dr.
That is awesome! This whole thing started because of our own aging parents!! 🙂 Ginny