This Home Binder organizes your entire house from top to bottom that minimizes stress and increases productivity.

Who needs an overhaul of their family’s organizational skills? A version of this Home Binder has seen many variations throughout the years in our home as we moved across the country a couple times and raised our very active son. Having papers/documents and contacts in multiple spots just didn’t work anymore and I needed a single system that would work for our busy family who was always on the go.
Take a moment to reflect and ask yourself “Is this how I want my family’s home life to be? This disorganized and in disarray all the time?” Something has to change to make it go smoother and without us feeling scatterbrained all the time.
In the interest of full disclosure, when I was raising my son and trying to run my family’s crazy schedule, I used parts and pieces of different binder systems to meet my needs. I went through a LOT of paper. I have been a “binder girl” for a long time, but they have never been as pretty and sophisticated as this.
Binders hold the craziness of my life together. When questions come up, I can open it up at swim team practice, scouts or at a PTA meeting. It’s all there and it makes me happy to know I won’t stress as I realize “Crap! Now I have to find that document/paper/contact.”
So, I’m sharing all of those years as I developed a better system that works for families that need to hold it all together.
🏠 Why Do I Need This
If you are feeling overwhelmed with keeping your household organized and it is causing you massive stress, it’s time to look into creating an organizational system that you can actually use.
Creating an organized household binder pulls together all of the important documents, contacts, and information and puts them in one spot – all nice and neat. If you’re like me, you’ve tried keeping a daily planner, but key information gets missed and we write down phone numbers on a January page and are looking for it in August with no luck. This system reduces stress since we are no longer hunting down missing pieces of data of our life. Everything is put together in one tidy spot that you can simply grab and go at any point in time.
🏡 How to Use
After you snag your new Home/Household Binder, you will need to put everything into a three ring binder and use divider sheets. I like to use the 1 ½ inch binders that have the clear plastic protector on the front so I can insert the cover sheets. I also like to use the little divider tabs.
I have tried the Divider Sheets and the Avery Tabs and both work great. The key is to make sure you can quickly and easily access each section of the binder.
Once you have the binder and the sheets on your computer, spend a quiet afternoon filling it all out. It will take some time and I’m not going to lie to you on this one, but it is a one time deal. You’ll need to update it as information changes, but the hard work is spent during an afternoon to fill it all out. I highly recommend grabbing a glass of wine and just knocking it out. If you don’t take the time to do this, the binder won’t work for you as well, and I want you to get the most out of the binder from the start.
🌲 What is Included
This huge, 71 page Home Management Binder really has it all. It is neatly divided into sections covered here:
🌷 Personal

Under the personal section, you will find so many ways to get your life organized! I love this section because it is so versatile for so many different areas of my life.
Monthly Calendar – I print off the monthly calendar so many times for different projects. When I need to plan a “one time” project like staining a table, I will print one off and plan it out using these sheets so I know when I can get it done and document the days that I can paint, dry, sand, and seal.
This also makes a great logbook for your little kids. Use it to track Video Game usage, TV watching, reading tracking, etc…you get the point.
Password Log – I love to write down key information for my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love my phone and keeping information in there is easy, but I am still a paper and pen person at heart. When I write it down, I know where I can reference it and I really like that. Guess I am a bit “Old School” that way.
Habit Tracker – This is another page that can be applied to so many different areas of your life! I just used it last month for my 30 day Yoga Challenge. This month, I’m using it for my eating as I’m trying to eat 50% vegetarian meals for my overall health. I wasn’t too sure I could go cold-turkey (get it? 😀) I love to documenting my progress and it’s great to have my habits recorded all in one spot.
Notes – You need several of these pages in your life. I use these all over my house. I take notes about everything, even when I’m talking to my mom on the phone, if you can believe it. I love this page, and it is much better than the thousand sticky notes I used to keep.
Daily Planner – I can’t live without a written Daily Planner. I sit down on Sunday and plan out my week and schedule what needs to be done. It makes my Monday mornings so much less stressful.
To-Do List – Sometimes, we all need a good “to-do” list! This might be for tasks around the house, projects at a volunteer organization or for a honey-do list to keep you (or your spouse) on task.
Task Log – I kept this intentionally blank for you to decide how to use it. This is a great page where something might not fit into a true “to-do” list as it is broken down into smaller tasks.
Gratitude Log – Take a few minutes each day to write down what you are grateful for. Maybe you are sitting at 9pm on a Tuesday night at a committee meeting and you are ready to go to bed! But take a minute and look around at all the other busy parents next to you. Be grateful for all the people sitting with you to work towards a common goal. Look at your children and jot down all the reasons you are grateful for how they are growing.
🌹 Home

This section will get pretty detailed and you will need to spend some time to research to fill in each of the sections. Once it is done, though, you will be so happy to have everything recorded in one spot!
Emergency Contacts – We use and update this one constantly since we moved all the time in the military. We always needed to have a new emergency contact for our son and our new neighbors’ information. Having all of this important information on one sheet is a life saver.
Home Maintenance Log – This is an excellent way to keep track of home maintenance and repairs. This is another sheet that can be used several different ways, whether you are a renter or a homeowner. Don’t rely solely on your memory to keep track of maintenance. As an example, we forgot to log when we bought our water filter for our refrigerator. Normally, I buy it from Amazon so I tried to just look at my past purchases, right? Yep, we didn’t buy it from them this last time, so I needed to dig around and find the answer. That wasted a lot of time and caused a lot of stress that could have been avoided. Take note of the column for “Technician.” I like to keep track of the company and the specific repairman that helped me last time.
Outdoor Maintenance Log – Because the Home Maintenance Log can get to be so beefy as it is, separate it out for outdoor maintenance to make it easier. This includes your gutters, windows, screens, driveway resealing, mailbox repainting and even when you painted the deck railings.
Important Information – This covers work, school and the babysitter. It is a great snapshot of areas you can write in information about your household. Include contact information for the doctors, dentists and utilities. How many times has the power gone out and you are scrambling to find the number to report it? You have it right here in one easy spot.
Lawn and Garden Maintenance – There is always so much to do in the yard and hardly any of us track it well. I am the first to tell you, that relying on my memory for the last time we fertilized the yard has failed me 100% of the time. No kidding. Log it in here and you will know exactly what needs to be done and when. It will also help you gauge if you forgot a treatment and that is why your lawn is full of dandelions this year.
🚸 Kids

This is the section that led me to starting my own binder. I *thought* I was doing ok until I had a kiddo and then the whole turned upside down. I needed help. Don’t we all? So, I combined all the printables that helped me develop a system to stay organized and here it is in this binder.
School Contacts – This is important to have at a moment’s notice. When you need to call the school, digging around and finding phone numbers that you hope work just won’t cut it. In the “notes” section at the bottom, put in anything that is key or vital to your child’s school.
Kids’ Friends – Print a few of these and start filling them in. It is so handy to have these. Fill in the kids’ information so you know their parents and how to reach them in case of an emergency.
Babysitter Information – Fill in all the vital information for the person that is going to be taking care of your child in your absence. The more information you give the babysitter, the easier it will be for them to care for your kids.
School Schedule – I love this one to keep track of school activities. It was much easier when I was a kid, but nowadays I have to remember if it is a “red” or “white” day or if it is PE or Band. I only had one kiddo, but had many friends with three or more – and it is just chaos unless you have a system to keep track of all of this.
Daily School Planner – As the kids start to get to mid-upper grade school, it is time to have them start tracking what is due and what is going on in their days. It will help them learn the fine art of planning and preparing.
Important School Dates – Take the calendar they give you at the beginning of the year and add in all the important dates. Middle and High School kids are the hardest, as they don’t give up the information as easily. Check the school’s website for current updates.
💰 Finance

We love a good finance area! This is another core area of the household that if not kept in check, can create chaos and make for a lot of upset families.
Debt Payoff – This is a great tracking mechanism to keep track of any rolling debt your family may have. Having this as a month by month snapshot helps guide you with future debt related purchases and will show your progress to paying it off.
Monthly Bill Tracker – Keep track of all those bills that come into your house so you don’t miss a payment. I like to keep these handy in case my checkbook seems to be out of whack. It makes it much easier to identify if there was a bill I missed, or even a bill I accidentally paid twice.
Expense Tracker – Keep track of all of your expenses. Having all of these written down in one spot gives you a great visual on where your money is leaving the checkbook each month.
Monthly Finance Goals – Setting up monthly financial goals is an important part of this process. Make sure that these goals are realistic and attainable.
Yearly Finance Goals – Setting up yearly goals may change the course of your budgeting by designating your goals.
Daily Spending Log – This is one of my favorite pages. I feel like it is the most important one in the Finance section. This one has you jotting down every single dollar you spend each day. Typically, this only takes people a couple of days to have a “whoa” moment and realize how quickly the money comes out of your pockets without even realizing it! If you are going to use just one sheet in the Finance section, start with this one.
Money Envelope Template – Anyone that is ready to crunch down on the family budget has heard of the money envelope technique made famous by Dave Ramsey. You will use an envelope to designate money for each category of your spending each month and when you are out, you are out.
Budgeting Tracker – This gem will help you see how much money you bring in each month, how much you put towards savings and minus out all of your expenses.
Savings Tracker – If you are gung-ho focused on your savings right now, this is a great tracker to help you. It shows how much is going to savings each month as you work towards your savings goal.
⚕️ Medical

This medical section is so important for every family to keep track of your own or your aging parents health.
Medical Contacts – How many times have you had to re-look up a specialist or need to find the orthopedic doctor’s phone number that you like? Keep them all right here. Silly-easy.
Medical History – Take a family inventory of medical histories to inform yourself and your doctor so you receive better treatment.
Insurance Information – Many families have more than one insurance company and it is great to keep all of that information in one spot.
Exercise Tracker – If you have been hit with a diagnosis and exercise may help, then use this printable page to keep track of your progress. This tracker will keep all the information on one page and you should bring to doctor appointments.
Weight Loss Tracker – This is another tracker to document your progress as you begin your journey to better health.
Water Tracker – Everyone should keep track of how much water we drink. Unfortunately, most of us don’t drink enough which can cause other issues in the body.
Depression Tracker – If you or a family member suffers from depression, this is a keeper. It may just help you identify patterns or triggers.
Migraine Tracker – This allows you to track your migraines. Hopefully, it will help you identify commonalities or potential causes.
Medical Appointments – At first glance, this might seem like an appointment sheet, but it is literally tracking all of your medical appointments, results, and notes. I use this to help keep track of my mom’s appointments. It is so nice to have everything in one spot.
Sleep Tracker – Keep a tally on your sleep habits to gain perspective on how much you are getting and if it is “good” sleep. I found that nights I spent catching up on Facebook in bed kept me awake a lot longer. Go figure!
Symptom Tracker – This is one of the best printables in this section. Keep track of how your symptoms are making you feel each day to help the doctor diagnose any issues. You may see patterns that will lead to a better diagnosis.
🧹 Cleaning

Let’s work together to get your house in its best shape possible. Working with a routine will help you stay on top of dirt and dust.
Daily Cleaning – Check to see what you need to get done each day. Each little job adds up.
Weekly Cleaning – Tackle all the things around the house that are best approached on a weekly basis. Breaking it down into bite-sized tasks makes this easier to accomplish.
Monthly Cleaning – Dig a little deeper for those tougher monthly jobs that will require a little bit more effort. Grab your family and spend Saturday morning completing this checklist.
Room by Room Deep Cleaning Checklist (2 pages) – When it’s time to deep clean, this list will take you through everything you need to know to get it all done.
Cleaning Labels with Recipes – These are our favorite natural cleaning recipes that you might find useful. You can make these at home and save money by not buying expensive chemicals at the store.
👩🍳 Kitchen

It’s never too late to conquer the kitchen issues that have come our way from time to time. This system will get you organized and on a path to success.
Weekly Menu Planner – Plan out this week’s menu and write it down. This one page will help you save money and eat better since you have a plan. Combine it with the shopping list and you’ll minimize wasteful gathering at the store.
Monthly Menu Planner – This is great if you plan to grocery shop for the month or you like to do a monthly rotational menu plan.
Shopping List – Use this handy shopping list once you have made your weekly/monthly menus. Stick to it when you go to the grocery store.
Pantry Labels – It’s time to get your pantry organized. These work on avery labels and makes it easy to find things in your pantry.
Kitchen Conversion Chart – You might want to make two copies of this. Keep one in your cupboard for quick reference and one in the binder. How many cups in a quart, again?
Kitchen Ingredient Swaps (2 pages) – This is so important as we all have times when we were stuck cooking when we realize that we forgot an ingredient. This sheet will guide you through your pantry for a substitution.
Baking Conversion Chart – This aids you in key conversions used in baking. How do you convert tablespoons to cups and back again?
Cooking Egg Substitutions – If you run out of eggs, here is a great sheet to help you find options in your pantry at a moment’s notice.
Pantry Inventory – I use this printable page in several different ways. I print one off right before a large holiday gathering to make sure I have everything I need. I also update it monthly before I head to Costco to restock.
Refrigerator inventory-Take a good refrigerator inventory before you grocery shop or even before you order take out to see what is in there that you can use.
Freezer Inventory – I keep this one on my refrigerator so I know that I still have a roast or a whole chicken in my deep freezer and I don’t accidentally buy another one.
🐾 Pets

Taking care of our pets is an important part of our family life and can’t be left out of this binder. Print out sheets for each pet you have in your house. I know for some, that might mean a few!
Pet Information – Fill in all the important information about your little furry pal. The more the better.
Vet Visits – Fill this one each time you take your pet to the vet. Jot down all the results of what the vet said so you can keep it in your binder for future reference.
Vaccination Log – Keep track of all of your pets vaccinations and never miss a shot again.
There you have it! Spines, section pages and cover sheets makes this Home Management Binder your new END ALL, BE ALL binder for all the important things in your life. Once you start using this binder, you will wonder how long it took you to start using one.
Find the Home Organization Binder
Snag your own 70+ Page Home Management Binder here and then let us know how it worked for you and your family.
Ginny Collins is a passionate foodie and recipe creator of Savor and Savvy and Kitchenlaughter. Indoors she focuses on easy, quick recipes for busy families and kitchen basics. Outdoors, she focuses on backyard grilling and smoking to bring family and friends together. She is a lifelong learner who is always taking cooking classes on her travels overseas and stateside. Her work has been featured on MSN, Parade, Fox News, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, Elle, and many local news outlets. She lives in Florida where you will find her outside on the water in her kayak, riding her bike on trails, and planning her next overseas adventure.

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