Making the decision to bring on an additional furry family member creates a mixture of pure joy, excitement and a little bit of work. The 20 Page Puppy Planner Printable set compiles everything you need to know and do those first few months after you fall in love and reality has set in.

You fell in love.
You made the commitment.
You’re now home and the furry animal is not only the most adorable thing on the planet but it is also peeing everywhere, using your shoes as a mid morning snack and never sleeps when you need it to.
Why This Works So Well
Timely | You are here because you just got a puppy or have one for a short time and need some guidance and direction on taking care of the new love of your household.
Comprehensive | This binder has template sheets set up for you to document and chart everything not only for you but for your vet as well.
What’s Included
Cover Sheet | Use this adorable cover sheet to use in a slip in cover binder.
Puppy Training Sheet | This page tracks crate training, socialization, obedience training and accessories you will need to own a pup.
Puppy Milestones | This can be getting potty trained, sleeping through the night, using the crate properly, not biting, stop chewing the sofa, not barking at the UPS truck…there are so many areas to train your new pet that you will be excited to track the progress.
Activity Log | This template covers the walks you take, the playdates you have for your dog and documenting playtime.

Potty Training Sheet | This generic sheet allows you to write down all your attempts (don’t laugh, there will be what feels like a million) of getting the little pup trained so to not soil your house. The sheet will help you see that progress is being made, even if it is slow. This sheet will also show you glaring issues of not training fast enough. Take this to the vet on your puppy visit to see if there are concerns.
Socialization Checklist | Make sure that you offer many areas to get your new pup socializing in people, handling, places, animals, sounds, objects.
Training Log | This is where you are going to document the date, time, location, command or activity, behavior, number of reps and notes to fill in how the progress is going. Make sure to note how the competency of it all is going.
Teeth Cleaning Tracker | Don’t forget to clean the little one’s teeth often. It’s easy to get off track and think you did it a few days ago, where in reality it’s been far too long. Not cleaning your puppy’s teeth can lead to more medical issues down the line.
Grooming Log | This covers all the visits to the groomer including date, grooming type, technician, cost and notes. Depending on where you go or if you are trying out groomers, this can be one hand PDF to have to track the progress, what you like, who you like and how much it is costing you each month.
Walking Tracker | This planner sheet seems to be a given but it is difficult for those that haven’t had a puppy before to remember to walk your new pet a couple times a day. Make sure the the puppy does Number 1 and Number 2, which means walking a lot more than you like some days. Not the times, how far you walk and any notes that you have on the walk.
Puppy Growth Tracker | This is one of the fun and exciting sheets in this planner set as you will start to see how fast your puppy has grown. Pull out a measuring tape and a scale and make sure to document the height, weight, chest area, length and age at time of measurement.
Expense Tracker | Keep track of how much money you are spending and where it is going is crucial when you have a new puppy!! This template will allow you to stay on top of food, grooming, vet, meds and other.
Training Session Report | This will guide you through going through your puppy training classes when you are starting the use of commands, number of reps, what treats are working, how well it’s going and an area for notes. When in a class with others and the teacher is giving you ideas to work on between classes, put those down on the notes and start working on them via your Training Log.
Training Class Worksheet | This handy worksheet helps you fill in the date, class, instructor, goal of the class and a huge section for notes. There are always notes to take and things to research after class.
Separation Training | Working with your pup on being apart from you and your family is another aspect of training that you will work on. This one page template is used to date, time, duration, mood and a huge section of notes. The notes section needs to be bigger to write out all the areas that go beyond a quick checklist of items.
Toxic Foods for Dogs | This is a good sized list that can be used to make sure new owners keep their pup safe. Some foods are chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, some nuts, spinach, currants, raisins and several others.
Toxic Plants for Dogs | When out walking your dog, it’s important to realize what plants can be dangerous to your little puppy and to avoid getting too close. Plants such as tulips, ivy, daffodils, mistletoe, sweet pea, tomato plants and so much more.
First Aid Kit Filled In | Gather up all of these items for the best first aid kit for your new dog. Tick removal tool, tweezer, antiseptic wipes, latex gloves, medical tape, rubbing alcohol and so many other items on the list.
First Aid Kit Blank | This version allows you to fill in your own customized first aid kit.
Supplies Checklist | Just about everything you can possibly think of for your new puppy’s homecoming or when you feel like you are clueless of what to buy. Leash, collar, id tags, poop bag holder, dog bed, pet gates, play pen, toys and long leash for training.
How to Use the Planner
Start by printing off all of the pages that you feel that you need and place in a binder that has a clear cover so you can use the cover sheet provided. Some pages will need to be printed off several times as they are weekly and others will be used just when you go to the vet or have a longer period for tracking.
Hole Punch them all and keep everything tidy in your binder. This is a very active binder so I wouldn’t recommend using page sleeve covers for this one.

What Accessories Needed for Planner
Binder | Make sure to get the one with the clear cover so you can use the cover sheet and know what is in the binder.
Hole Punch | If you don’t have a 3 hole punch already, now is a great time to invest in one as they aren’t expensive and you will find you will start to use it regularly.
What Accessories Needed for New Puppy
Shopping for a new puppy can be fun and overwhelming when you first start out. There is a full blown shopping list in the binder ready for you to make sure you have everything, just like when you bring a new born home from the hospital.
Some of our favorites that we used with our puppy, Snuffy, are:
Dog Bed Make sure to get one that has a removable washable cover as there will be accidents, slobber and shedding. If you don’t get a washable one, you will start to notice your living space just doesn’t smell as fresh as it used to.
Pet Gate Snag a gate that is expandable and is washable. This plastic one is perfect for that.
Dog Food Containers Depending on the size of your puppy and the full size of dog will depend on the size that you will get. We loved the two compartment version where the snacks are on top and the food is on the bottom. This one was easy clean up so I could just wipe down the top and sides.
Training Resources | Start off with an all purpose treat bag, clicker, door bells and whistles right off the bat. Make sure to add on the long leash that can go up to 10 feet.
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Ginny Collins is a passionate foodie and recipe creator of Savor and Savvy and Kitchenlaughter. Indoors she focuses on easy, quick recipes for busy families and kitchen basics. Outdoors, she focuses on backyard grilling and smoking to bring family and friends together. She is a lifelong learner who is always taking cooking classes on her travels overseas and stateside. Her work has been featured on MSN, Parade, Fox News, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, Elle, and many local news outlets. She lives in Florida where you will find her outside on the water in her kayak, riding her bike on trails, and planning her next overseas adventure.

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