Enjoy this Daily Planner Printable Template {FREEBIE} to keep your day on track, reflect on events, and express what you are thankful for. This undated planner can be viewed at a glance with its easy to read format!

Using a daily planner doesn’t have to be a chore. As a matter of fact, the way this free template is set up is to show all of the key things you need to know for the upcoming day.
It will only take 5-10 minutes to get ready each day, and it will give you the right mindset to be successful!
You’ll benefit whether you have a super busy day or it’s more of a laid back day.
The best part is that you only need a pen or pencil and a positive attitude. Who’s ready to get started?
📝 Why This Works
Undated | Simply fill in the date yourself and make this a timeless daily to-do list planner! Many planners you will find have the year or month already added to them, which means they are only good for so long.
Feels good | It truly feels refreshing and uplifting to have a game plan in place and to accomplish your goals. Each time you mark a project done, it’s a breath of fresh air!
Easy to use | Even teens and older kids can get involved. They may not appreciate all this printable daily planner has to offer when they first start using it, but after they get the hang of it, they will develop great habits.
Combine with Monthly Calendars | Use these in conjunction with the monthly calendars as well. Make sure to grab free yearly blank and filled in calendar for 2022 and 2023.
Combine all of your pages into a binder using the {freebie} binder covers so you can keep track and look back on your progress.
🔍 Areas to Focus
Included on the Daily Planner PDF is the date and the day of the week. You will start filling in each of the areas for the day. This one page has so much packed into it.
I Am Grateful For | Start reflecting in this on the positives that you are blessed to have right now in your life. It can be the basics like food and shelter, or you may consider the friendships, living in a country without war, the feeling of peace in your everyday journey, the opportunity to go to yoga. Anything that you can think of.
Challenges | Go ahead and list out those challenges you are going through at this point. It might be dealing with a family member, someone that is being a jerk at work, a neighbor’s barking dog, weight gain. We all have challenges that we need to address.
Motivation | What is motivating you today or what can motivate you to work towards your goals? List those out to keep your eye on the prize.
Objective Accomplished | At the end of the day, write down what you have accomplished. This is important to list out so you can know what you have done when it feels like you have just spun your wheels.
Reflection | This section could be much larger, as some days you will want to write a lot more items to look back on that are both encouraging and room for growth.
Water Intake | Log the water that you are drinking. Every day we think we are doing so good in this area, but the truth is some days we drink so little because we are busy or get sidetracked. This is a great way to start tracking before jumping to the Health and Fitness Binder where you will track all of your fitness actions.
Exercise | Jot down what you did to exercise today. Keeping track by writing that down allows us to be honest about how often we get out to move. You can choose to use the Habit Tracker in place or in addition to this one as well.
Goals | For most days, there will be a goal in mind for all of us. Jot that down and rank the importance in the bubble below it along with the deadline. Always try to set SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.
Milestones / Actions | It’s important to document the things that went well as you work each day towards your goals. Take time to write them all down.
📓 How to Use
Step One: Sign up for the free daily planner template below. Save it to your computer so you can print off each week.
Step Two: It’s free, so print enough copies for the week. Fill out one planner for each day.

If you are frugal or want to save paper to help the environment you are in luck! Simply print the printable on a plain piece of paper, then laminate it.
Then, you can use a fine tipped sharpie to fill it out each day. When you are ready for the next day, simply go over the writing with a dry erase marker and wipe it off. The printable will last a really long time doing it this way!
Using this free printable daily planner allows you to create a routine. It gives you a place to track your progress throughout the day and encourages you to exercise, drink enough water, and give thanks for the good things in your life.
🖨️ Get the Printable
Get the Free Daily Planner Printable by entering your name and email address below. We’ll redirect you to a page where you can save to your computer.
Print it as many times as you want and add it to your personal binder.
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Ginny Collins is a passionate foodie and recipe creator of Savor and Savvy and Kitchenlaughter. Indoors she focuses on easy, quick recipes for busy families and kitchen basics. Outdoors, she focuses on backyard grilling and smoking to bring family and friends together. She is a lifelong learner who is always taking cooking classes on her travels overseas and stateside. Her work has been featured on MSN, Parade, Fox News, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, Elle, and many local news outlets. She lives in Florida where you will find her outside on the water in her kayak, riding her bike on trails, and planning her next overseas adventure.

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