Dreaming up your next vacation and looking for all the tools to execute a flawless trip for your family requires organization in a Travel Binder Printables. This binder keeps all your of research and plans in one spot for quick reference.

🗺️ Why This Binder Works
Organized Travel | When you are trying to put all the pieces and parts together for an upcoming destination vacation, whether it be a National Parks tour or a trip to Europe, getting all of your plans placed in one master location is crucial. Pull our the 2024 Yearly Calendar to assist in your date selections.
Reduces Stress | When we are organized, we are less likely to be stressed. A lot of people don’t know where to begin so we pulled out all of our resources to help you put together a travel adventure of a lifetime.
Nothing is Forgotten | Whether it is directions to the hotel, phone numbers for a tour group or memories you don’t want to forget, it’s all here so you can track it all. Speaking from experience, it is so stressful to arrive at your destination when the family is hungry and tired only to have the hotel lose your reservation. Which email did you use? Are you sure you booked this location since you researched so many? The kids are climbing on the chairs behind you, the husband is looking at you like you have lost it and sweat starts to pour down your brow. No worries, pull out printable vacation planner, it’s all there for you.
📎 What’s Included

Cover Sheet
This cover sheet says it all! You are headed on an adventure and just looking it gets you ready to pull out those suitcases.
💰 Travel Budget
At Savor and Savvy, we are all about taking care of our money and want you to do the same thing. Setting up and sticking to a budget while traveling is tough if there isn’t a method to track. So, “there is an app for that!” But, nothing beats writing it down just like we do in the Daily Spending Tracker or when we write down everything we eat – it’s all about accountability.
🏝️ Destination Comparison
This area of the binder allows a comparison of multiple destinations. Your family might be between renting a beach house vs going to Disney World. It’s best to compare destinations, especially when choosing your first overseas trip. Always look for what you and your family enjoy doing, what is available while you are there and start plugging potential numbers in the Travel Budget worksheet. This will help your family discover if it financially possible for you to take that trip.
Try to use the Travel Budget, Destination Comparison and Flight Comparison all together to determine if there are less expensive options that provide a similar experience. For example, flights are expensive and lodging is tighter in the summer, but maybe there are less expensive options if you were flexible on your dates.
Take the time to open up multiple tabs on your computer and find out 1. How much are your flights? 2. How much are your lodging options? 3. What is available to enjoy during that time?
✈️ Flight Comparison
Log in all of the prices for your dates and the flexible dates around your planned travel. This is a great sheet to compare rates between the beginning of the season and the end. Also look for direct flights vs those with 1-2 stops. That might add a lot of time to your trip, but if it saves you enough, it may be worth it.
🛫 Flight Confirmation Tracker
Log in all your confirmation numbers so you can quickly refer to it when needed. I like to put it all down on this sheet as sometimes I can get distracted and not remember exactly which date and time I booked a flight for. It’s best just to have it written down.
🏞️ Travel Itinerary
Using the Disney trip as our example here, this itinerary can be a life saver. You’ll be able to quickly glance each day for your printable vacation planner template. Pull the family together to plan this out so everyone can contribute. We even recorded the specific rides and exhibits we wanted to see.
🧳 Packing List
Make sure to not miss a thing by starting a mega-packing list for everyone on the trip. Joy down items early so you don’t miss a thing. Create a master packing list of items that you know you will need every time you take a trip.

🏰 Attractions Log
Keep track of all the places you are going to go, times the activities are open and how much it will cost to get in to each one. Don’t overbook yourself though. It is important to leave some time for spontaneous events. Or, in my case, time to run my son to the local urgent care for an “oops.” 😀
ℹ️ Travel Information
This is a snapshot of your trip. One quick glance and you can grab the reservation and confirmation details for everything.
📅 Daily Travel Plan
This is necessary if you are going somewhere that has time critical activities. You might want to slide in character visits, lunch reservations and such in your travel plan. This lifesaving sheet will rescue you every time from overbooking yourself or when you don’t allow enough time for each event. We use a daily version of this when we travel as I am guilty of overbooking the entire trip. There’s just too much I want to do!
📔 Daily Travel Journal
You can certainly buy a great Travel Journal for the family or you can print out a couple of these sheets for everyone to jot down their thoughts and experiences of the trip. Don’t forget to write down recipe ideas, favorite new wines you tried, a server’s name that you don’t want to forget when you write that special review when you get home. This is the perfect place to write it down.
🪣 Travel Bucket List
This is a great place for the family to write in everyone’s bucket list destinations, so when you are starting the initial research of where to go this year, you can quickly reference this sheet and know where to start.
3 Pages of Spines
Since we are huge binder/planner people, we love to make sure that there are spines for each size for their 3 ring binder planner pages.
If you find this freebie useful, then check out the full Travel Binder.
🖨️ How to Use
Please fill in your email address below and I’ll email you a couple of pages as a sample for FREE.
Check your email and print them off.
Use a 3-ring binder and protective sleeves to create your personalized binder.
Monthly Calendars to Plan Travel
March Calendar

Let me know how you like this! Are there any pages that I should add? I am a huge travel nerd and would love your feedback. Please drop me a note below!
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Ginny Collins is a passionate foodie and recipe creator of Savor and Savvy and Kitchenlaughter. Indoors she focuses on easy, quick recipes for busy families and kitchen basics. Outdoors, she focuses on backyard grilling and smoking to bring family and friends together. She is a lifelong learner who is always taking cooking classes on her travels overseas and stateside. Her work has been featured on MSN, Parade, Fox News, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, Elle, and many local news outlets. She lives in Florida where you will find her outside on the water in her kayak, riding her bike on trails, and planning her next overseas adventure.

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